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Manufacturers Midway

High Visibility, High Traffic

The Manufacturers Midway is at the center of the Fairgrounds. It is where sponsors, major partners, the OEMs and larger aftermarket companies are located during our action-packed events.

A company does not need to be a “manufacturer” to be on the Midway. Each space on the Midway consists of 10 feet of frontage and 30 feet of depth. The surface is grass – fronting on a paved pathway. The fees for Midway space are all inclusive and provide, in addition to the actual display space, the following:

  • Goody bag inserts
  • One promotional item (PA Announcements or Venue Banners)
  • Featured listing in the official event directory
  • Electric service
  • Wireless Internet service
  • Tables & chairs – free rental
  • Material handling
  • Extra parking for support & staff vehicles Tent rentals can be arranged for an additional fee.

To submit a request to be on the Midway, please use the form below.

If you have any questions, please email or call Ed Scholly at 717-243-7855 x118.

Manufacturers Midway Request Form

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